Q. Did I’m A Celebrity take place at Gwrych Castle?
A. Yes, it was definitely filmed within the estate and not in a studio in London! The majority of the filming was set in the actual Castle. ITV set an industry standard for undertaking filming during the coronavirus pandemic.
Q. Will the I’m A Celebrity set remain?
A. As the Castle was the setting for the show, key locations featured will be part of future tours.
Q. What were the benefits to the town and surrounding area?
A. The arrival of I’m A Celebrity had a huge economic impact and is estimated to have brought in over £1m locally. Many local businesses supplied goods and services for the production.
Q. What works were carried out, and was planning permission needed?
A. ITV, Cadw, Natural Resources Wales, the Local Authority, and Gwrych Castle worked closely together, and the relevant permissions were obtained by ITV for the production to take place.
Q. How will the filming of the show affect the Castle in the long term?
A. It is paramount to the Trust that the Grade l listed historic site was respected, and that critical emergency works and repairs were carried out prior to filming. Additionally, the Castle’s tenant, Natural Resources Wales, carried out backlog maintenance in the surrounding woodlands to enable safe access for the production to take place.
Q. Were the local wildlife/grounds affected?
A. ITV obtained all necessary permissions from regulatory bodies for the production to take place in a safe and considered way.
Q. Were any other agencies involved?
A. ITV worked closely with North Wales Police, Natural Resources Wales, the Local Authority, Cadw, and Welsh Government during the production. A multi-agency approach was taken to facilitate delivery of the production.
Q. Were any other sections of land used?
A. Manorafon Farm Park, Abergele Golf Club, and neighbouring landowners were involved to support ITV and the production.
Q. Are Abergele Golf Club and Manorafon Farm Park also closed to the public?
A. Please refer to the respective websites for Abergele Golf Club, and Manorafon Farm Park for further information. You can find useful contacts below for any other questions.
Images courtesy of ITV